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Useful Tools & Techniques

This page features a thoughtfully curated collection of tools and techniques crucial for crafting an extraordinary human experience. These carefully selected tools serve as the key to unlocking inner strengths, shaping mindset, and fostering personal growth—a straightforward yet potent recipe for success across various aspects of life.

Wonder Questions™ Technique

 “Questioning is the door to knowledge.” ~ Irish proverb


Whether you are aware of it or not, we ask hundreds of questions throughout the day without even realizing it. But are those the right questions to ask?

Unfortunately, the usual questions are: “Why don't I have enough money?”, “Why am I so unhappy in my life?”, or “How come my family or friends aren’t around me when I need them the most?” “Why is it so cold?”, Why is my life so hard? Why don't I have the car I want? Why am I lonely? Why do I feel so bad? …so sad? …so tired? And so on…

When you ask the question - you get the answer. 

When you ask the right question - you might just get what you deeply desire. 

To bring about meaningful change in your life, it's essential to reshape your brain by clearing out old thought patterns and adopting new ones. While this process of rewiring your brain can be time-consuming, there's a helpful technique called Wonder Questions. Rather than trying to convince your mind of a new belief, pose a question related to that belief. By starting with "I wonder," you engage your brain's natural problem-solving capabilities, prompting it to seek evidence for the belief. This activates cognitive bias, and when your mind finds ample proof from external sources, it effortlessly integrates the new belief into your thinking. This method creates new neural pathways with minimal effort on your part. 

On top of that, your energy gets directed toward the things you want vs the things you don't want. Hence, paying attention to the questions you ask yourself becomes crucial in shaping your reality.

Let's master this simple, but very effective technique in 5 steps.

Step 1. Reflect

Identify the area of your life you are not happy with. Ideally, we want to monitor and rewrite all the unwanted questions we ask ourselves during the day. And eventually, you will be able to get there. But in the meantime, start easy and reflect on one area of your life you are most unhappy with. Look at the questions you are asking yourself related to that area.

For example: Money...

The questions you might be asking are: "Why don't I have enough money?" or "Why am I broke?"

Step 2. Rewrite

Collect as many negative questions as you can and positively rewrite them, starting with "I Wonder Why."

It is crucial to use the two words "wonder" and "why".

Example: "I wonder why I am a money magnet?"; "I wonder why it is so easy to have enough money?"

"I wonder why do I have more than enough money to pay my bills, save some money, and have some left over to have fun?"

Get creative with it!

Step 3. Rewire

You can do the rewiring step when you wake up or before bed (or any time during your meditation practice).

Have your questions ready (you can even memorize them if you'd like).

Close your eyes and relax.

Take a deep breath.

When you are fully relaxed, ask yourself your Wonder Questions (you can read them from your notes)

Try to stay curious vs. affirmative, like a kid who is wondering about everything. Be open to wonder.

Step 4. Repeat

To rewire your brain and record new beliefs, it is essential to do the rewire part for at least 5 to 10 consecutive days (better 10).

Step 5. Release

After you have done your rewiring for 5 to 10 consecutive days, you can let go of those questions and move on to a different area you'd like to work on.

As stated earlier, with time, you'll develop the ability to recognize when you're asking unhelpful questions and instinctively REWRITE them on the spot. However, in the meantime, this technique serves as a powerful tool for steering your reality toward your dreams.

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